I'd like to talk about how covid affected our lives and pushed us into a deep crisis, on my blog today. Please read and share your thoughts if you agree with it .
WHO declared Covid19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 after more than 1 lakh cases with 4291 deaths in 114 countries. It is almost a black day for us, or we can say the Year 2020 is a disaster worldwide.
It started in Wuhan, China and spread to all other countries like wildfire. Millions were affected and hundreds of thousands were dead. Soon after they found it was spreading from person to person China imposed a strict lockdown in Wuhan. America declared National emergency on March 13th. India also declared a complete lockdown from March 24th for 21 days. Almost all countries imposed lockdowns and strict rules. Finally they stopped fast spreading of this disease by following some strict rules:
Wearing masks and PPE kits
Following Quarantine rules
Social distancing
In fact there were no sects of people that were unaffected by covid crisis. Schools and colleges and all institutions were closed. All super markets were closed. What not? All small scale businesses and large scale businesses were closed. You can see empty roads. It is clearly seen that Carbon emissions decreased by 6.4% after decades. Millions of enterprises faced threats from shutting down due to lack of workers during lockdown. Transport has been stopped globally. The pandemic affected the entire food transport system also.Farmers also couldn’t do agriculture and harvesting the crops is also a challenge due to social distancing. Even when they were finished with harvesting they couldn’t sell the output due to lockdown.Many lost employment which placed livelihood at risk. Many encountered suicidal thoughts apart from dying with the disease. Trade restrictions and border closures were strictly implemented in turn affecting the whole system. Everywhere there is scarcity of some products due to panic buying. We had to stand in a large queue with social distance and wait for our turn for a single product. Even though we bought vegetables we had to wash and leave it for a day before storing.We should sanitize all remaining products. Like in a real-life horror film, everyone experienced constant fear.
Health workers played a major role in this pandemic. They have to work hard for many hours extending their shifts. Many have to leave the family for the sake of people’s lives. They have to wear masks and PPE kits for a long time which is horrible. They had to take care of elderly people who are at larger risk with less immunity. They had to take care of pregnant women and kids. Covid had not only affected physical life but also affected mental life due to loss of loved ones.
It is not easy for any government to handle the pandemic situation. They took immediate actions and all measures to save people.
Now even after covid some were in fear of removing masks from their daily life.
We ourselves looked like aliens while wearing those things. But it has become a necessity now, in our day to day life. After all, Life is the most important thing for any. The only good thing that has happened is family time is drastically increased due to work from home. All got a chance to spend time with their family. We should be optimistic about the future.
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