By reading the first word in the title itself you can understand what I am going to say. Yes, the younger sibling of the family.
You love them the most but the most common term we use on them is “you are younger , you don’t know anything .”
I know, by listening to this phrase many can relate to them. I want to portray some of your troubles here.
The first trouble you come across is that your parents may call you with the wrong name. It's common for the younger ones to face these struggles. Then you could feel like screaming frantically and claiming that's not your name. It is because they are calling the elder ones even before you were ever born.
The second main thing you come across is your opinions are never valued because you are younger in the family. That doesn't mean they don't love you, they feel that you are too young to make any decision. So they don't ask for your opinion. All you can do is to respect their decision.Even when you are great at problem solving capabilities they can’t rely on you just because you are younger .
Another silly thing may be fighting for the remote. Obviously the older ones win the argument. It is not because they are great fighters but because they have support from parents. Parents always provide more support to older ones than younger siblings. Many of you have heard the common phrase “ Listen to your brother/sister”.
When parents are away from home they almost rule you as a parent. Even they sometimes use you for their assignments. You may be the middle seater on all road trips. You can’t enjoy the window seat until they get married .
Parents may purchase more clothes for your sister/brother compared to you as they are in college or higher studies, while you are still in uniform, But in that situation you don't realize that you don't need one. You may feel you are not given value. But reality is different. In some families, younger ones are always compared to their siblings for their ranks etc.Then you may feel stressed out. Also sometimes your parents may ask you to take your sister's bicycle or books or dresses.Then also you may feel anger blaming your position. But don't forget the fact that you are the FAMILY’S FAVOURITE PERSON.
I guess I mentioned some but I don't want to hurt anyone intentionally.Forgot to say I am older in my family, maybe my sister also faced some of the above troubles because of me. Since I am married now, all I can do is apologize to her.
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