The Person I Admire The Most: Swami Vivekananda
A great person was born on January 12 th, 1863 in Kolkata, India to Viswanath Datta and Bhubaneswari Devi. His parents named him as Narendranath Datta.
Since childhood he was a fan of Hindu monks, Spirituality. He used to meditate to find truth in self before many Hindu Deities. He was the only student to receive first-division marks in the Presidency College entrance examination at calcutta. He is also interested in philosophy, religion, history, social science, art and literature. His principal explained him as a Genius.
He was a prodigy and had a photographic memory, so he knew several books by heart. He was a graduate from Calcutta university. He discontinued his degree since his study didn’t show the way to lead his life towards truth and spirituality.
Then he found his Guru, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Who paved a way for this boy’s life. Ramakrishna told secrets about Spirituality and taught him Vedanta and finally gave him Sanyasa Deeksha and named him as SWAMI VIVEKANANDA., a well known name to the WORLD.
After finding his guru he never stopped. He introduced Vedanta and the Greatness of Hinduism to the Western World. The World has no other way except to bow before his highness, Swami Vivekananda.
He was popular for his famous speech in Chicago, USA which he started with "Sisters and brothers of America...," Which he was given a standing ovation. Listening to his speech they formed a society called “Vedanta Society of Newyork” which gave a new step for establishing Vedanta in Western World.
After the death of his guru Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, he became a founder of a math called “Ramakrishna Mission”, to provide Social work, Charity and Education.
He preached his sayings throughout India. He travelled across the world to inspire the world about the greatness of Hinduism. His journey started from 31st May 1893 to the west. He visited many countries like Japan, Canada, China and finally reached the United States on 30 July 1893.On the invitation of Professor John Henry Wright of Harvard University, to give a lecture at the university. Then after knowing that the “Parliament of Religions “ event was being held in Chicago, Swami Vivekananda wrote a letter to Professor Henry at Harvard. Professor Henry explained Swami Vivekananda as” He is an honor to humanity”."Vivekananda became the greatest figure in the Parliament of Religions.
He has millions of followers in Western people along with Indians.
Finally on 4th July 1902 he left his physical body. His soul always remains with us through his preachings.
We celebrate his Birthday JANUARY 12 th as “National youth day” in his remembrance.
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