A Doctor is a person who is certified to practice medicine and help us to regain our physical and mental issues. Doctors are the only people on earth who can save our lives in dangerous conditions. In this blog I want to explain what a doctor does, how many types of doctors there are and What degree to acquire to become a doctor. For a person to be called a doctor he has to complete an MBBS degree , which is a bachelor degree in medicine. After that he may specialize in his/her interest. This specialization is called MD or MS or awarded according to specialization. Some common specializations we hear are Cardiology Allergy and immunology Anesthesiology Dermatology Family medicine Medical genetics Neurology Obstetrics and gynecology Ophthalmology Pathology Pediatrics Physical therapy and rehabilitation Psychiatry Oncology Surgery Urology The procedure to investigate the problem of the patient is almost common for any specialist. It goes in the way...